How to Use The ChainCademy Platform: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you ready to learn new skills and work on exciting real-world projects? At The ChainCademy, we’re here to help you do just that! This guide will show you step-by-step how to navigate our platform, apply for projects, enroll in courses, and more. Let’s get started!

Why don't we jump right it?

1. Your Dashboard: The First Step

The Dashboard is the main area where you can see all your current activities. It shows you the projects you can join, courses you can take, and the vetting section where you can receive feedback on your skills.

  • Explore Projects: Find current projects you can join.
  • Take Courses: Access courses that help you build new skills.
  • Use the Vetting Section: Get feedback on your skills and improve your chances of getting selected for projects.

2. Joining a Project

The Projects Section is where you find all the projects available on The ChainCademy platform. Each project has its own team, goals, deadlines, and pool prize. Want to join a project? Here’s how:

  • Go to the Projects Section and click on any project that interests you. You’ll find details like objectives, deadlines, tasks, and pool prizes.
  • To join, you must pass a vetting process. Check the Available Roles and click on Apply Now to submit your application.
  • Include a link to your GitHub profile or a repository showcasing your skills. Adding your LinkedIn profile and uploading your CV in English or Portuguese is recommended.

3. What Happens After Joining a Project?

Congratulations on joining a project! Here’s what to do next:

  • Click Join Now to officially become part of the project team.
  • Track your progress under Continue Making Progress on your dashboard. You’ll see the current step the team is working on and its objectives.
  • Join the project’s WhatsApp group and get in touch with the project manager to understand the next steps.

4. Enrolling in a Course

The Courses Section offers courses designed to build practical skills. Each course includes lessons and assignments that help you gain real-world experience. Here’s how to enroll:

  • Go to the Courses Section and click Read More to see course details.
  • Click Sign In to join a course. You’ll start with the first lesson, which includes a video and an assignment.
  • Submit your GitHub link for assignments, and our AI will review your pull request. Pass the assignment to unlock the next step!

5. Using the Vetting System

The Vetting System is a feature that allows users to receive feedback on their career path and portfolio. This can help you improve and increase your chances of getting selected for projects. Improve your skills with our vetting system:

  • If you have a subscription, submit your GitHub link, LinkedIn profile, and CV for feedback.
  • You’ll receive a detailed review and a career roadmap to help you improve.
  • You can keep submitting your portfolio to strengthen your profile!

6. Getting Personalized Feedback

You can enhance your AI feedback by providing more details about your professional background. This makes the feedback more relevant and tailored to your needs. To receive more accurate AI feedback:

  • Go to Settings > Professional Info and complete your profile with details about your skills, job title, and current company.
  • Save your changes to unlock more detailed AI feedback.

7. Managing Your Profile

Profile Management lets you customize your profile to reflect your personal and professional details. This is where you can update your contact information and make your profile stand out. Personalize your profile to make it stand out:

  • Go to Settings > Personal Info to change your username, email, phone number, and profile picture.
  • Add a bio and social media links to showcase your interests and professional background.

8. Choosing Your AI Review Language

Did you know you can select the language for AI feedback? This feature allows you to receive reviews in your preferred language for better understanding. Here’s how to do that:

Go to Settings > AI Review Language and select your preferred language. You can also enable AI communication through Discord or email.

9. Need More Help?

The Help Section is where you can reach out for support if you have any issues or questions. You can report bugs or request assistance from our team.

  • Go to the Help Section under your profile icon to get support and help us improve your experience.

Start Your Journey with The ChainCademy!

We hope this guide makes it easier for you to navigate our platform and make the most of everything we are creating for you. Now, it’s up to you! Go ahead and start learning new skills and working on exciting new projects!


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